TMP Academy is the school we launched last year to provide high-quality education to a community that has never before had access. 

The local community championed the project, and we helped by providing the funding to construct the building, hire a staff, and secure curriculum and supplies.

We opened our doors to our first ever class on January 12, 2018 and celebrated the enrollment of 110 students!

One goal of ours was to quickly provide uniforms to the students. The custom in Ghana is to wear uniforms to school, but we also wanted to help develop a standard of excellence in the school. 


Our Headmaster, Jerron, shares more about the uniform need and our partnership in this quick video.

We are thrilled to announce we launched a fundraiser specifically for uniforms on June 1, and raised the $2,100 needed by June 5! allow an opportunity for others to contribute to the school, we are leaving the GoFundMe page open through Friday, June 15. You can give securely through our site  or through GoFundMe here:

The funds raised will go toward clean water well maintenance, the school’s meal program, and women’s education. 

Thank you to those who partnered with us! If you haven’t yet, we invite you to do so, and join us as we help the people of Ghana create a new reality for their communities. 
